We have a new face on our Board of Directors! Everybody give a warm welcome to Sabrina Ehmke.

Born and raised in Skokie, Sabrina Ehmke continues to call this incredible community her home. She is an almost 20-year educator at both Evanston Township High School (ETHS) and Oakton College , teaching a variety of history and psychology classes.

Sabrina holds a bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University in Secondary Education, and two masters’ degrees: one from Concordia University Chicago in Reading Education and one from the University of Phoenix in Psychology.

In her personal life, the running community is near and dear to her heart. Sabrina is a Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) certified running coach. Her past coaching experiences include high school cross-country athletes, Girls on the Run programs for elementary school children, first time marathoners, long time runners, and providing adult running/walking training programs for the Skokie Park District . She is a Six Star World Marathon Majors finisher, a 10-time full marathon finisher, and has completed countless other race distances. Most recently, she is the founder of the Skokie Swifters Run/Walk Club, a community that has already grown from 11 people to over 400 members since its inception in 2021.

She believes that, no matter where you find yourself in the Skokie community, one of the most important things you can do is to give back to it, and is thus excited to be a member of the Skokie Community Foundation Board.

We’re looking forward to Sabrina’s leadership and appreciate all she does to support our great Village.

Click here to learn more about our Board of Directors.