
Skokie Community Foundation Announces 2024 Grant Recipients

November 19th, 2023|

Skokie Community Foundation Announces 2024 Grants Skokie Community Foundation (SCF) is proud to announce the recipients of its 2024 grants. SCF is awarding $27,500, with an additional $17,000 coming from the Education Foundation Supporting the Students of Niles Township (EF).

Skokie Community Foundation Elects Ann Tennes as New Board of Directors Chair

July 10th, 2023|

Skokie Community Foundation announces the appointment of its new Board of Directors officers for 2023-24. Elections were held at the June 12 board meeting. Ann Tennes (pictured alongside Co-Founder and Treasurer Gene Griffin and Executive Director Jim Szczepaniak) was elected

Skokie Community Foundation is the First Organization Recognized in the “Community Spotlight” Portion of Skokie’s 4th of July Parade

July 5th, 2023|

The Skokie 4th of July Parade Committee included Skokie Community Foundation in this year's "Community Spotlight" portion of the parade. SCF is honored to be the first organization recognized in the "Community Spotlight." Several members of the SCF Board of

Skokie Community Foundation Hosts a Thank You Reception for Participants of the Village of Skokie Employee Charity Campaign

June 17th, 2023|

Skokie Community Foundation is immensely grateful to the Village of Skokie employees who have supported us through the Village of Skokie payroll charity campaign. To show our gratitude, a reception was held on Friday, June 16 for Village employees who

Grant Partner Out Our Front Door Receives The Circle of Excellence Award from the Illinois Parks and Recreation Association

February 19th, 2023|

 In 2022, Skokie Community Foundation (SCF) awarded a grant to Out Our Front Door (OOFD) and Emily Oaks Nature Center to start The Youth Unbound Camp, a summer biking and camping experience for students with disabilities and students who

Village Employees Provide Record Support for SCF

January 10th, 2023|

Skokie Community Foundation (SCF) is incredibly grateful to the Village of Skokie employees, who raised some $18,000 for SCF through its charity campaign to benefit the community in 2023. A record 55 employees contributed, some through automatic payroll deductions

Thank you for helping us raise over $25,000 during our Annual Appeal!

January 1st, 2023|

We’re heading into 2023 with thankfulness! Our donors have helped us raise $26,665.85 this holiday season, surpassing our goal of $25,000 and helping us to start out the year on a high note. Thank you to everyone who donated

Skokie Community Foundation Announces 2023 Grant Recipients

December 8th, 2022|

 Skokie Community Foundation (SCF) is proud to announce our 2023 grant recipients! SCF received 14 grant proposals during our acceptance period. This year marked a record number of new applicants. Our Board of Directors reviewed the proposals and selected

Skokie Community Foundation’s “Skokie Spirit Shines Through” Campaign Recognized In Chicago Tribune Article

June 1st, 2022|

Skokie Community Foundation (SCF) was recognized in a Chicago Tribune Article for the "Skokie Spirit Shines Through" Campaign. SCF Board of Directors Deputy Vice Chair Ann Tennes was interviewed by Pioneer Press reporter Myrna Petlicki about the 2020 donation

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