Collaboration for the benefit of Skokie is the core philosophy of the Skokie Community Foundation’s grant program. An application must be submitted by two or more organizations working together, one of which must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, a school, governmental unit or social service agency.

SCF funds proposals that address any aspect of community in Skokie, including arts and culture, basic human needs, community relations and development, early childhood learning, education, environment, family support/counseling, health, housing, services for seniors or youth, or workforce development. We look to fund projects that will benefit Skokie both during and beyond the program year.
Our grant cycle begins in early June when SCF releases its Request for Proposals inviting applications and providing detailed information about that year’s grant cycle. Proposals are due in early September. Grant recipients are notified in fall and grant programs are implemented the following calendar year.
Since 2015, we have awarded $25,000 or more in grants annually. SCF’s focus on collaboration has helped to formalize and deepen existing ties between local organizations as well as forge new ones. Drawing on the diverse skills of local not-for-profit and governmental agencies, since 2015, SCF’s unique grant program has funded 55 grants totaling more than $288,000, addressing a broad range of community concerns.

How have our Grants impacted Skokie residents?
Head on over to our Grant Impact page to learn more!